Gust reconstruction from digital flight data recorder via numerical optimisation

Simone Simeone, Christian Agostinelli, Thomas Rendall, Abdul Rampurawala

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Contribution (Conference Proceeding)

5 Citations (Scopus)


Gust and turbulence events are of primary importance in the estimation of limit loads and in the analysis of flight incidents. Aircraft manufacturers are putting effort into the study of gust reconstruction as it is beneficial during the design stages of the aircraft and for in-service support. Here, a method for gust reconstruction based on numerical optimisation techniques is proposed and tested on the response to a known ‘1-cos’ gust profile of a rigid, and later flexible, aircraft model. Results show good agreement of the reconstructed gust with the known input can be obtained when the optimisation is performed on the simulated response of the aircraft. Subsequently, an application to the data contained in a digital flight data recorder (DFDR) of a commercial aircraft that experienced a turbulence event is carried out. Also here, good agreement is achieved when comparing the response of the aircraft model to the reconstructed gust with the DFDR.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication57th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference
PublisherAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. (AIAA)
Number of pages19
ISBN (Print)9781624103926
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event57th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2016 - San Diego, United States
Duration: 4 Jan 20168 Jan 2016


Conference57th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2016
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySan Diego


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