High prevalence of virological failure and HIV drug mutations in a first-line cohort of Malawian children

M. H.W. Huibers*, P. Moons, M. Cornelissen, F. Zorgdrager, N. Maseko, M. B. Gushu, O. H. Iwajomo, M. Boele Van Hensbroek, J. C.J. Calis

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16 Citations (Scopus)


Background Drug resistance mutations (DRMs) increasingly jeopardize paediatric HIV programmes in sub-Saharan Africa. As individual monitoring of DRMs and viral loads has limited availability, population data on DRMs are essential to determine first-line susceptibility. Paediatric data from sub-Saharan Africa are scarce and unavailable for Malawi. Objectives To determine the prevalence of virological failure (VF) and DRMs among ART-naive HIV-infected Malawian children during the first year of first-line ART. Methods In a prospective cohort of HIV-infected Malawian children, on first-line treatment, children were followed monthly; blood was collected for viral load testing (6 and 12 months) and genotypic resistance testing (12 months). VF was defined as at least one viral load >1000 copies/mL or death after 6 months of ART. DRMs were identified and susceptibility to NRTIs and NNRTIs was scored using the Stanford algorithm and by calculating genotypic susceptibility scores (GSSs). Results VF occurred in 66% (23/35) of the children during 12 months of follow-up. DRMs were detected in 44% (15/34); all had NNRTI resistance and 12% (4/34) had dual-class NNRTI/NRTI resistance. Reduced susceptibility (DRMs and GSS <3) was seen in 41% (14/34) to their current first-line regimen. High-level resistance was most common for nevirapine [26% (9/34)]. Conclusions In this first report on VF and DRMs in children on first-line ART in Malawi, the rates of VF and DRMs were alarmingly high. Paediatric HIV programmes in sub-Saharan Africa should emphasize programmatic evaluation of VF and include detection of DRMs to adjust and design adequate first- and second-line regimens and prevent widespread resistance in children.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3471-3475
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Issue number12
Early online date29 Aug 2018
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2018


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