How many contacts can exist between oriented squares of various sizes?

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A homothetic packing of squares is any set of various-size squares with the same orientation where no two squares have overlapping interiors. If all $n$ squares have the same size then we can have up to roughly $4n$ contacts by arranging the squares in a grid formation. The maximum possible number of contacts for a set of $n$ squares will drop drastically, however, if the size of each square is chosen more-or-less randomly. In the following paper we describe a necessary and sufficient condition for determining if a set of $n$ squares with fixed sizes can be arranged into a homothetic square packing with more than $2n-2$ contacts. Using this, we then prove that any (possibly not homothetic) packing of $n$ squares will have at most $2n-2$ face-to-face contacts if the various widths of the squares do not satisfy a finite set of linear equations.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 19 Oct 2022

Bibliographical note

24 pages, 7 figures


  • math.CO
  • math.MG
  • 05B40 (Primary) 52C15, 52C05 (Secondary)


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