How safe bariatric surgery is—An update on perioperative mortality for clinicians and patients

Lucy Huppler, Andrew G. Robertson, Tom Wiggins, Marianne Hollyman, Richard Welbourn*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

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Summary Bariatric, metabolic or weight loss surgery produces sustained weight loss and imporovement in obesity related diseases. Bariatric surgery has existed for decades but there is limited reliable data on the risk of perioperative mortality following the procedures. This commentary focuses on a recent meta‐analysis which has produced contemporaneous mortality data, and the findings are significant. Utilising data from 3.6 million patients the study has shown an overall pooled perioperative mortality of 0.08%, a significantly reduced risk compared to previous, smaller studies. This finding increases our knowledge of surgical risk for these procedures and should now equip health care groups to challenge barriers to uptake of bariatric surgery. Barriers currently include a worldwide lack of focus on treating obesity, lack of funding and resource from commissioners, and a general public and professional view that bariatric surgery may be high risk. In reality, this figure equates to mortality risk for procedures generally considered ‘safe’ such as laparoscopic cholecystectomy and knee arthroplasty. Bariatric surgery is a safe option for achieving sustained weight‐loss and the treatment of obesity related diseases, and refusing access to surgery on the grounds of perioperative safety should now be an outdated premise.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere12515
JournalClinical Obesity
Early online date10 May 2022
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2022


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