Implications of high-frequency decay parameter, “κ-kappa”, in the estimation of kinematic soil-structure interaction effects

Dimitris Sotiriadis*, Basil Margaris, Nikolaos Klimis, Anastasios Sextos

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In the present study, the difference between the peak seismic response measures recorded on building basements and those at nearby free-field conditions is studied by means of estimating the high-frequency spectral decay parameter, “κ” (known as “kappa”). Computation of “κ” is performed for selected accelerographic stations belonging to three strong motion networks, namely the Hellenic National Accelerographic Network (HNAN) in Greece, the Center for Engineering Strong Motion Data (CESMD) in California, USA and the Building Research Institute (BRI) in Japan. Parameter “κ” is computer according to Anderson and Hough (1984), while an automated signal energy-based procedure is developed to calculate the S-wave windows of each waveform, accounting for any errors. Site-specific restrictions on the upper frequency limit, f2, for the calculation of “κ” at the foundation level are imposed, based on the empirical transfer functions between foundation and free-field motions. Based on the above procedure, non-linear regression analyses are conducted to relate “κ”, as computed for free-field and foundation motions (κff, - κfnd), to magnitude Mw, source-to-site distance Repi and shear wave velocity VS30. Simulation of ground motions though the point-source stochastic method is accomplished, utilizing the regression expression to define “κ” and assess its effectiveness to predict the variation of intensity between free-field and foundation motions as a proxy for assessing soil-structure interaction effects. It is shown that the regression-based expressions, combined with stochastic simulations, consist a promising tool for correcting seismic motions recorded at a building foundation or basement levels and thus, for reliably predicting the corresponding intensity and characteristics of the actual “building-free” ground motions.
Original languageEnglish
Article number106665
Number of pages15
JournalSoil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Early online date28 Feb 2021
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2021

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Financial support was provided by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) and the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) through the PhD scholarship grant no. 941. This research work is partially supported by the Scientific project (HELPOS MIS 5002697)We happily acknowledge accessing strong-motion data through the Center for Engineering Strong Motion Data (CESMD), last visited on Aug 1, 2019. The networks or agencies providing the data used in this report are the California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (CSMIP) and the USGS National Strong Motion Project (NSMP) ( strong motion data from the stations in Japan were obtained by the BRI strong motion network ( Their contribution is highly appreciated. The authors especially thank Dr. Panagiotis Pelekis, Assistant Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering of University of Patras for providing the recordings data of station UP08 at Patras.

Funding Information:
Financial support was provided by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) and the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) through the PhD scholarship grant no. 941 . This research work is partially supported by the Scientific project ( HELPOS MIS 5002697 )We happily acknowledge accessing strong-motion data through the Center for Engineering Strong Motion Data (CESMD), last visited on Aug 1, 2019. The networks or agencies providing the data used in this report are the California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (CSMIP) and the USGS National Strong Motion Project (NSMP) ( ).The strong motion data from the stations in Japan were obtained by the BRI strong motion network ( ). Their contribution is highly appreciated. The authors especially thank Dr. Panagiotis Pelekis, Assistant Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering of University of Patras for providing the recordings data of station UP08 at Patras.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd


  • Soil-structure interaction
  • Strong motion recordings
  • High-frequency decay “κ –kappa”


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