In-plane magnetic-field effect on transport properties of the chiral edge state in a quasi-three-dimensional quantum well structure

B Zhang, J Brooks, Z Wang, J Simmons, J Reno, N Lumpkin, JL O'Brien, R.G. Clark

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

12 Citations (Scopus)


The transport properties of a quasi-three-dimensional, 200-layer quantum-well structure are investigated at integer filling in the quantum Hall state, concomitant with the chiral edge state condition. We find that the transverse magnetoresistance Rxx, the Hall resistance Rxy, and the vertical resistance Rzz all follow a similar behavior with both temperature and in-plane magnetic field. A general characteristic of the influence of increasing in-plane field Bin is that the quantization condition first improves, but above a critical value BinC, the quantization is systematically removed. We consider the interplay of the chiral edge state transport and the bulk (quantum Hall) transport properties. This mechanism may arise from the competition of the cyclotron energy with the superlattice band-structure energies. A comparison of the results with existing theories of the chiral edge state transport with in-plane field is also discussed
Translated title of the contributionIn-plane magnetic-field effect on transport properties of the chiral edge state in a quasi-three-dimensional quantum well structure
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8743 - 8747
Number of pages5
JournalPhysical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Volume60 (12)
Publication statusPublished - Sept 1999

Bibliographical note

Publisher: The American Physical Society


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