Interplay and Characterization of Dark Matter Searches at Colliders and in Direct Detection Experiments

Sarah A. Malik, Christopher McCabe, Henrique Araujo, Alexander Belyaev, Celine Boehm, Jim Brooke, Oliver Buchmueller, Gavin Davies, Albert De Roeck, Kees de Vries, Matthew J. Dolan, John Ellis, Malcolm Fairbairn, Henning Flaecher, Loukas Gouskos, Valentin V. Khoze, Greg Landsberg, David M Newbold, Michele Papucci, Timothy SumnerMarc Thomas, Steven Worm

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

45 Citations (Scopus)


In this White Paper we present and discuss a concrete proposal for the consistent interpretation of Dark Matter searches at colliders and in direct detection experiments. Based on a specific implementation of simplified models of vector and axial-vector mediator exchanges, this proposal demonstrates how the two search strategies can be compared on an equal footing.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysics of the Dark Universe
Early online date18 May 2015
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Bibliographical note

White Paper from the Brainstorming Workshop held at Imperial College London on May 29th, 2014


  • hep-ex
  • hep-ph


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