Investigation of propagation through a frequency hopped channel

DJ Purle, SC Swales, MA Beach, JP McGeehan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review


The Letter describes measurements undertaken in the city of Bristol in order to investigate a frequency hopping (FH) channel. It is shown that although long term channel statistics exhibit negligible differences compared with fixed frequency operation, the instantaneous effects differ considerably. These differences could significantly influence the design of an FH system
Translated title of the contributionInvestigation of Propagation through a Frequency Hopped Channel
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)785 - 786
Number of pages1
JournalElectronics Letters
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - Apr 1993

Bibliographical note

Rose publication type: Journal article

Sponsorship: The authors would like to gratefully
acknowledge the invaluable help of T. Busby, S.G. Chard, J. Cheung, C. Simmonds, R.C. Thomas and R.J. Wilkinson during the undertaking of these field trials. D.J. Purle is sponsored by SERC and GPT Ltd., Beeston


  • cellular radio
  • code division multiple access
  • fading
  • frequency agility


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