Large-scale content analysis of historical newspapers in the town of Gorizia 1873–1914

Nello Cristianini*, Thomas Lansdall-Welfare, Gaetano Dato

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We have digitised a corpus of Italian newspapers published in 1873–1914 in Gorizia, the county town of an area in the North Adriatic at the crossroad of the Latin, Slavic and Germanic civilizations, then part of the Habsburg Empire and now divided between Italy and Slovenia. This new corpus (of 47,466 pages) is analysed along with a comparable set of local Slovenian newspapers, already digitised by the Slovenian National Library. This large and multilingual effort in digital humanities reveals the statistical traces of events and ideas that shaped a remarkable place and period. The emerging picture is one of rapid cultural, social and technological transformation, and of rising national awareness, combining the larger European pattern with uniquely local aspects.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages26
JournalHistorical Methods
Early online date26 Mar 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 26 Mar 2018


  • Austro-Hungarian empire
  • digital humanities
  • digital newspaper archives
  • Gorizia


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