Limited historical admixture between European wildcats and domestic cats

Alexandra Jamieson, Alberto Carmagnini, Jo Howard-McCombe, Sean Doherty, Alexandra Hirons, Evangelos Dimopoulos, Audrey T Lin, Richard Allen, Hugo Anderson-Whymark, Ross Barnett, Colleen Batey, Fiona Beglane, Will Bowden, John Bratten, Bea De Cupere, Ellie Drew, Nicole M Foley, Tom Fowler, Allison Fox, Eva-Maria GeiglAnne Birgitte Gotfredsen, Thierry Grange, David Griffiths, Daniel Groß, Ashleigh Haruda, Jesper Hjermind, Zoe Knapp, Ophélie Lebrasseur, Pablo Librado, Leslie A Lyons, Ingrid Mainland, Christine McDonnell, Violeta Muñoz-Fuentes, Carsten Nowak, Terry O'Connor, Joris Peters, Isa-Rita M Russo, Hannah Ryan, Alison Sheridan, Mikkel-Holger S Sinding, Pontus Skoglund, Pooja Swali, Robert Symmons, Gabor Thomas, Theis Zetner Trolle Jensen, Andrew C Kitchener, Helen Senn, Daniel Lawson, Carlos Driscoll, William J Murphy, Mark Beaumont, Claudio Ottoni, Naomi Sykes, Greger Larson, Laurent Frantz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


Domestic cats were derived from the Near Eastern wildcat (Felis lybica), after which they dispersed with people into Europe. As they did so, it is possible that they interbred with the indigenous population of European wildcats (Felis silvestris). Gene flow between incoming domestic animals and closely related indigenous wild species has been previously demonstrated in other taxa, including pigs, sheep, goats, bees, chickens, and cattle. In the case of cats, a lack of nuclear, genome-wide data, particularly from Near Eastern wildcats, has made it difficult to either detect or quantify this possibility. To address these issues, we generated 75 ancient mitochondrial genomes, 14 ancient nuclear genomes, and 31 modern nuclear genomes from European and Near Eastern wildcats. Our results demonstrate that despite cohabitating for at least 2,000 years on the European mainland and in Britain, most modern domestic cats possessed less than 10% of their ancestry from European wildcats, and ancient European wildcats possessed little to no ancestry from domestic cats. The antiquity and strength of this reproductive isolation between introduced domestic cats and local wildcats was likely the result of behavioral and ecological differences. Intriguingly, this long-lasting reproductive isolation is currently being eroded in parts of the species' distribution as a result of anthropogenic activities.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4751-4760.e14
JournalCurrent Biology
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - 6 Nov 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This research used the University of Oxford’s Advanced Research Computing, the Queen Mary’s Apocrita, the Leibniz-Rechenzentrum High Performance Computing facility, and the Smithsonian High Performance Cluster (SI/HPC) ( ). A.J. was supported by a Natural Environment Research Council grant (NERC; NE/L002612/1 ) and a Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst grant (DAAD; 57552336 ). L.F. and G.L. were supported by European Research Council grants ( ERC-2013-StG-337574-UNDEAD and ERC-2019-StG-853272-PALAEOFARM ) and Natural Environment Research Council grants ( NE/K005243/1 , NE/K003259/1 , NE/S007067/1 , and NE/S00078X/1 ). L.F. and A.C. were supported by the Wellcome Trust ( 210119/Z/18/Z ). A.T.L. was supported by the George Burch Postdoctoral Fellowship . W.J.M. was supported by National Science Foundation grant DEB-1753760 . This project also received funding from the CNRS and the University Paul Sabatier (AnimalFarm IRP). We would like to thank the Københavns Museum (KBM), Odense Bys Museer (OBM), Roskilde Museum (ROM), Viborg Museum (VSM), Svendborg Museum, and the National Museum (NM) for permission to sample the cat bones kept at the National History Museum of Denmark (NHMD), University of Copenhagen. We would also like to thank Wim Van Neer, Angela Wallace, Antoine Giacometti, Billy Quinn, Brian O'Donnchadha, Geraldine Stout, Mandy Stephens, Matthew Stout, Stuart Halliday, Carleton Jones, David McCullough, Donal Fallon, Finola O'Carroll, Matthew Seaver, Richard Crumlish, Ruairí Ó Baoill, and Valerie J. Keeley for assistance with sample acquisition and the late Mike Bruford for co-supervision of J. H-C. We are also indebted to the following institutions for their support: The Sussex Archaeological Society , York Archaeological Trust , National Museums Scotland , Manx Museum , Arch-Tech Ltd , CRDS Ltd , IAC Ltd , Moore Group , National Monuments Service (Ireland), National Museum of Ireland , National Roads Authority (now Transport Infrastructure Ireland), and Royal Irish Academy .

Funding Information:
This research used the University of Oxford's Advanced Research Computing, the Queen Mary's Apocrita, the Leibniz-Rechenzentrum High Performance Computing facility, and the Smithsonian High Performance Cluster (SI/HPC) ( A.J. was supported by a Natural Environment Research Council grant (NERC; NE/L002612/1) and a Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst grant (DAAD; 57552336). L.F. and G.L. were supported by European Research Council grants (ERC-2013-StG-337574-UNDEAD and ERC-2019-StG-853272-PALAEOFARM) and Natural Environment Research Council grants (NE/K005243/1, NE/K003259/1, NE/S007067/1, and NE/S00078X/1). L.F. and A.C. were supported by the Wellcome Trust (210119/Z/18/Z). A.T.L. was supported by the George Burch Postdoctoral Fellowship. W.J.M. was supported by National Science Foundation grant DEB-1753760. This project also received funding from the CNRS and the University Paul Sabatier (AnimalFarm IRP). We would like to thank the Københavns Museum (KBM), Odense Bys Museer (OBM), Roskilde Museum (ROM), Viborg Museum (VSM), Svendborg Museum, and the National Museum (NM) for permission to sample the cat bones kept at the National History Museum of Denmark (NHMD), University of Copenhagen. We would also like to thank Wim Van Neer, Angela Wallace, Antoine Giacometti, Billy Quinn, Brian O'Donnchadha, Geraldine Stout, Mandy Stephens, Matthew Stout, Stuart Halliday, Carleton Jones, David McCullough, Donal Fallon, Finola O'Carroll, Matthew Seaver, Richard Crumlish, Ruairí Ó Baoill, and Valerie J. Keeley for assistance with sample acquisition and the late Mike Bruford for co-supervision of J. H-C. We are also indebted to the following institutions for their support: The Sussex Archaeological Society, York Archaeological Trust, National Museums Scotland, Manx Museum, Arch-Tech Ltd, CRDS Ltd, IAC Ltd, Moore Group, National Monuments Service (Ireland), National Museum of Ireland, National Roads Authority (now Transport Infrastructure Ireland), and Royal Irish Academy. Conceptualization, A.J. G.L. and L.F.; methodology, A.C. A.H. A.J. D.L. E.D. J.H.-C, L.F. N.S. O.L. R.A. R.B. and P.L.; resources, A.S. A.F. A.C.K. A.B.G. A.H. B.D.C. C.D. C.N. C.M. C.O. C.B. D. Griffith, D. Groß, E.D. E.G. F.B. G.T. H.R. H.S. H.A. I.M. I.M.R. J.H. J.B. J.P. L.A.L. M.B. M.S.S. N.S. N.M.F. P. Skoglund, P. Swali, R.S. S.D. T.O. T.Z. T.J. T.G. T.F. V.M. W.B. W.M. and Z.K.; writing, A.C. A.J. G.L. and L.F.; supervision, G.L. L.F. M.B. and N.S. The authors declare no competing interests.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors


  • Humans
  • Cats/genetics
  • Animals
  • Cattle
  • Bees
  • Sheep
  • Swine
  • Hybridization, Genetic
  • Chickens
  • Felis/genetics
  • Europe
  • Gene Flow


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