Low complexity two-dimensional digital filters using unconstrained SPT term allocation

S Sriranganathan, DR Bull, DW Redmill

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Contribution (Conference Proceeding)

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Previous work by the authors has demonstrated how circularly symmetric and diamond-shaped low-pass linear phase 2-D FIR filters can be designed using coefficients comprising the sum or difference of two signed power-of-two (SPT) terms. This has employed a minimax error criterion in conjunction with an optimisation process based on the use of genetic algorithms. The resulting filters exhibit superior performance to those designed using other methods reported such as simulated annealing and linear programming. This paper extends this work by demonstrating the further improvements possible if the constraints are relaxed, such that only the overall number of SPT terms is constrained, while the distribution between filter coefficients is unconstrained.
Translated title of the contributionLow complexity two-dimensional digital filters using unconstrained SPT term allocation
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIEEE International symposium on circuits and systems
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Pages762 - 765
ISBN (Print)0780330730
Publication statusPublished - May 1996
EventInternational Symposium on Circuits and Systems - Atlanta, United States
Duration: 1 May 1996 → …


ConferenceInternational Symposium on Circuits and Systems
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Period1/05/96 → …

Bibliographical note

Other: Ch.201
Rose publication type: Conference contribution

Sponsorship: S.Sriranganathan acknowledges the support of the
committee of vice chancellors and principals and the
University of Bristol for scholarship awards. All authors
acknowledge the support of the Centre for Communications
Research at the University of Bristol.

Terms of use: Copyright © 1996 IEEE. Reprinted from IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1996 (ISCAS '96).

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