Major-Oxide, Minor-Oxide, Trace-Element, and Geochemical Data from Rocks Collected in the Big Delta Quadrangle, Alaska in 2002

Melanie Werdon, Rainer Newberry, Jennifer Athey, David Szumigala, Larry Freeman, Patti Wilson, Richard Lessard, Katharine Hendry, Milton Wiltse

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


Mineral resource personnel from the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys carried out a geological field survey, including mapping and sampling in the Big Delta quadrangle, Alaska from June 5 to July 31, 2002. The fieldwork provides basic information critical to building an understanding of Alaska’s geology and is part of an integrated program of airborne geophysical surveys followed by geological mapping programs. During 2002, 198 rock samples were collected for geochemical trace-element analysis, and 307 rock samples were collected for whole rock (major- and minor-oxides, and petrogenetically important trace-elements) analysis. Location data (in UTM coordinates based on Clark 1866 spheroid, NAD27 datum, UTM zone 6 projection), descriptions, and analytical results for each sample are tabulated in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherDivision of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, Alaska
Number of pages46
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2003


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