Measurement of Torsionally Induced Shear Stresses in Shrink-Fit Assemblies

SJ Lewis, S Hossain, JD Booker, CE Truman, U Stuhr

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)


Shear stresses along the shaft/hub interface in shrink-fit components, generated by torsional loads, can drive premature failure through fretting mechanisms. It is difficult to numerically predict these shear stresses, and the associated circumferential slip along the shaft/hub interface, due to uncertainties in frictional behaviour and the presence of steep stress gradients which can cause meshing problems. This paper attempts to provide validation of a numerical modelling methodology, based on finite element analysis, so the procedure may be used with confidence in fitness-for-purpose cases. Very few experimental techniques offer the potential to make measurements of stress and residual stress interior to metallic components. Even fewer techniques provide the possibility of measuring shear stresses. This paper reports the results of neutron diffraction measurements of shear stress and residual shear stress in a bespoke test specimen containing a shrink-fit. One set of measurements was made with a torsional load ‘locked-in’. A second set of measurements was made to determine the residual shear stress when the torsional load had been applied and removed. Overall, measurement results were consistent with numerical models, but the necessity for a small test specimen to allow penetration of the neutron beam to the measurement locations meant the magnitude of shear stresses was at the limits of what could be measured experimentally.
Translated title of the contributionMeasurement of Torsionally Induced Shear Stresses in Shrink-Fit Assemblies
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)637 - 651
Number of pages15
JournalExperimental Mechanics
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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