Measurements of K0S-K0asymmetries in the decays Λ+→ pK0L,S ,  pK0L,S  π+π and pK0L,Sπ0

BESIII Collaboration, M. Ablikim, M. N. Achasov, P. Adlarson, O. Afedulidis, Shenghui Zeng, et al.

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Using e+e annihilation data sets corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.5 fb−1, collected with the BESIII detector at center-of-mass energies between 4.600 and 4.699 GeV, we report the first measurements of the absolute branching fractions B(Λ+→ pK0L) = (1.67 ± 0.06 ± 0.04)%, B(Λ+c→pK0Lπ+π) = (1.69 ± 0.10 ± 0.05)%, and B(Λ+c→pK0Lπ0) = (2.02 ± 0.13 ± 0.05)%, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second systematic. Combining with the known branching fractions of Λ+c→pK0S, Λ+c→pK0Sπ+π, and Λ+c→pK0Sπ0, we present the first measurements of the K0S-K0SL asymmetries  R(Λ+c,K0S,LX)=[B(Λ+c→K0SX) − B(Λ+c→K0LX)] / [B(Λ+c→K0SX) + B(Λ+c→K0LX)] in charmed baryon decays: R(Λ+c, pK0S,L) = −0.025±0.031 , R(Λ+c, pK0S,Lπ+π) = −0.027±0.048 and R(Λ+c, pK0S,Lπ0)=−0.015±0.046. No significant asymmetries with statistical significance are observed.
Original languageEnglish
Article number7
Number of pages20
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 3 Sept 2024

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