Methods for Process-related Resin Selection and Optimisation in High-Pressure Resin Transfer Moulding

Matthew Rutt*, Constantina Lekakou, Paul Smith, Alessandro Sordon, Claudio Santoni, Graham Meeks, Ian Hamerton

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

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A framework for process-related resin selection and optimisation is proposed in the context of research and development for industrial applications of high-pressure resin transfer moulding (HP-RTM). The first stage involves the validation of the reaction kinetics model by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and the characterisation of viscosity, storage- and viscous shear-moduli by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) in a rheometer as a function of time. Capillary pressure measurements were obtained using a curing resin impregnating a vertical fibre yarn. Process-related resin selection criteria are based on the optimisation of cycle time, including filling time against gel time, micro-infiltration time and demould time. The proposed framework and the associated test and analysis methodologies have been applied to three epoxy resin systems in connection with carbon fibre reinforcement.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
JournalMaterials Science and Technology
Early online date31 Dec 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 31 Dec 2018


  • RTM
  • composites processing
  • epoxies
  • curing
  • reaction kinetics
  • DMA
  • rheology
  • capillary pressure
  • optimisation


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