Microfluidics: an Untapped Resource in Viral Diagnostics and Viral Cell Biology

Caitlin Simpson, Sung Sik Lee, Chang-Soo Lee, Yohei Yamauchi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

19 Citations (Scopus)
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Purpose of Review
Microfluidic platforms have become valuable tools in a wide variety of research environments. With the ability to allow detailed examination of an array of cell biological processes, their use in the field of virology is becoming progressively more common. This review will discuss the potential applications of microfluidics in viral cell biology and explore the potential of these techniques to alter the way in which we study the biology of infection.

Recent Findings
In recent years, scientists have utilised microfluidic platforms for detailed study of the viral life cycle. Microfluidic technologies have allowed investigation of viral infectivity, measurement of fusion kinetics, and monitoring of viral responses to neutralising compounds. In addition, microfluidic platforms represent promising new clinical tools with applications in diagnostics and drug screening.

Although the potential of microfluidics in virology is beginning to be realised, it has certainly not been fully explored. While not a replacement for macroscale investigative techniques, microfluidic platforms have the potential to be utilised along- side systems biology to provide novel methods of detailed virus study, with unique advantages.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
JournalCurrent Clinical Microbiology Reports
Early online date1 Aug 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 1 Aug 2018


  • Virus microfluidics
  • Virus entry
  • Viral cell biology
  • Fluorescence imaging
  • Single particle
  • Single-cell analysis


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