Modeling of wide-band MIMO radio channels based on NLoS indoor measurements

K Yu, B Bengtsson, P Ottersten, DP McNamara, P Karlsson, MA Beach

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In this paper, we first verify a previously proposed Kronecker-structure-based narrow-band model for nonline-ofsight (NLoS) indoor multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) radio channels based on 5.2-GHz indoor MIMO channel measurements. It is observed that, for the narrow-band case, the measured channel coefficients are complex Gaussian distributed and, consequently, we focus on a statistical description using the first- and second-order moments of MIMO radio channels. It is shown that the MIMO channel covariance matrix can be well approximated by the Kronecker product of the covariance matrices, seen from the transmitter and receiver, respectively. A narrow-band model for NLoS indoor MIMO channels is thus verified by these results. As for the wide-band case, it is observed that the average power-delay profile of each element of the channel impulse response matrix fits the exponential decay curve and that the Kronecker structure of the second-order moments can be extended to each channel tap. A wide-band MIMO channel model is then proposed, combining a simple COST 259 single-input– single-output channel model and the Kronecker structure. Monte Carlo simulations are used to generate indoor MIMO channel realizations according to the models discussed. The results are compared with the measured data using the channel capacity and good agreement is found.
Translated title of the contributionModeling of wide-band MIMO radio channels based on NLoS indoor measurements
Original languageEnglish
Article numberNo. 3
Pages (from-to)655 - 665
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - May 2004

Bibliographical note

Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Rose publication type: Journal article

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  • antenna arrays
  • multiple input–multiple output (MIMO) channels
  • channel capacity
  • channel modeling
  • measured channel data
  • multipath channels


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