Multilab Direct Replication of Flavell, Beach, and Chinsky (1966): Spontaneous verbal rehearsal in a memory task as a function of age

Emily Elliot*, Candice Coker Morey, Angela AuBuchon, Nelson Cowan, Christopher R Jarrold, Eryn Adams, Meg Attwood, Büşra Bayram, Stefen Beeler-Duden, Taran Blakstvedt, Gerhard Büttner, Thomas Castelain, Shari Cave, Davide Crepaldi, Eivor Fredriksen, Bret Glass, Andrew Graves, Dominic Guitard, Stefanie Hoehl, Alexis HoschStéphanie Jeanneret, Tanya Joseph, Chris Koch, Jaroslaw Lelonkiewicz, Gary Lupyan, Amalia McDonald, Grace Meissner, Whitney Mendenhall, David Moreau, Thomas Ostermann, Asil Özdoğru, Francesca Padovani, Sebastian Poloczek, Jan Röer, Christina Schonberg, Christian Tamnes, Martin Tomasik, Beatrice Valentini, Evie Vergauwe, Haley Vlach, Martin Voracek

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

26 Citations (Scopus)
78 Downloads (Pure)
Original languageEnglish
JournalAdvances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science
Issue number2
Early online date24 Jun 2021
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by the Research Council of Norway (288083 and 223273), UiO:Life Science, the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award P20 GM109023, and the Cardiff University School of Psychology.

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2021.

Research Groups and Themes

  • SoE Centre for Psychological Approaches for Studying Education


  • development
  • rehearsal
  • verbalization
  • memory
  • short-term memory
  • working memory
  • registered replication report

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