Networked feminism in a digital age – Mobilising vulnerability and reconfiguring feminist politics in digital activism

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


In what ways can we understand the productive tensions and complexities of digital feminist activism? This paper explores the increase of networked feminism, which focuses attention on digital activism, and its relation to transformative social change. It suggests that we need better understanding of how digital feminist activism might be changing the shape of transnational feminist resistance and praxis and how feminist politics are created and enacted in digitally mediated environments. These result in new forms of feminist consciousness built on affective and embodied engagements. The paper explores the complex and ambivalent role of affective politics and embodied ethics to explore conditions of vulnerability. Using illustrative, global cases to show the nuances across digital activism, the paper contributes to understanding the complexities and differential effects of online environments, the mediation of feminist politics through digital knowledge cultures and the possibilities, challenges and productive tensions that lie in the ever-increasing use of digital environments.
Original languageEnglish
JournalGender, Work and Organization
Early online date3 Dec 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 3 Dec 2023

Research Groups and Themes

  • Digital Societies
  • Gender Research Group
  • Perspectives on Work


  • networked feminism
  • digital activism
  • technology
  • feminist politics
  • digital practices
  • political engagement
  • social justice
  • social movements
  • vulnerability


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