Nonlinear analysis of the delayed tyre model with control-based continuation

Sandor Beregi*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

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In this study, the numerical bifurcation analysis of a shimmying wheel is performed with a non-smooth, time-delayed model of the tyre-ground contact. This model is capable of reproducing the bistable behaviour often observed in experiments: a stable equilibrium and a stable periodic orbit coexisting for the same set of system parameters, that the simpler quasi-steady tyre models fail to capture. In the bistable parameter domain, there also exists an unstable periodic orbit within the separatrix between the domains of attractions of the two stable steady-state solutions. Although this solution never appears in a real-life system, one may still gain valuable information from tracing it as it gives an indication about the level of perturbation that would drive the system from one stable solution to the other. However, the complexity of the laws governing partial sticking and sliding in the tyre-ground contact makes the numerical bifurcation analysis with the traditional, collocation-based techniques infeasible. Instead, this study is based on numerical simulations and the technique of control-based continuation (CBC) to track the stable and unstable periodic solutions of the system allowing for the assessment of the accuracy of the non-smooth, delayed tyre model in replicating the dynamics observed in experiments. In the meantime, the physics-based model provides an insight into the relationship between the sticking and sliding regions appearing in the tyre-ground contact and the global dynamics of the system.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3151-3165
Number of pages15
JournalNonlinear Dynamics
Issue number4
Early online date6 Sept 2022
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 6 Sept 2022

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This research was partially supported by the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office of Hungary under grant no. NKFI-128422. The research has also received funding from the Next-generation test methods for nonlinear structures (EP/P019323/1) and the Digital twins for improved dynamic design (EP/R006768/1) EPSRC grants.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022, The Author(s).


  • Bifurcation analysis
  • Control-based continuation
  • Sticking-sliding contact
  • Stretched-string model
  • Time delay


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