North-South research partnerships in higher education: perspectives from South and North

AM Barrett, Michael W Crossley, Peter Titanji Fon

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter in a book

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This chapter looks at the theme of internationalization in Higher Education from the perspective of North-South cross-cultural collaboration and research capacity building. It draws on our experience of a collaboration, which was directed towards strengthening teaching of research methods to postgraduate students. The project demonstrated how North-South research partnerships in Higher Education can create new possibilities for epistemology and pedagogy. In the Southern university, the dominance of an over-specified ‘scientific’ epistemology was challenged. In the Northern institution, pedagogic relations between academic staff and international research students were challenged. Dialogue over the nature of educational research and acceptable/legitimate forms of knowledge within North-South collaborations can be uncomfortable, as contestations and disagreements are surfaced. We argue for mindfulness of influence of colonial heritage and of a global contemporary context where “big science” approaches to research have a growing influence on modes of international collaboration.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternationalization of higher education and global mobility
EditorsBernhard Streitwieser
Place of PublicationOxford
PublisherSymposium Books
Number of pages71
ISBN (Print)9781873927427
Publication statusPublished - 2014

Publication series

NameOxford Studies in Comparative Education
PublisherSymposium Books
ISSN (Print)0961-2149

Research Groups and Themes

  • PolicyBristolSocialChangeAndDiversity
  • PolicyBristolEducation


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