N.S. Gumilev 'Polnoe sobranie sochinenii v desiati tomakh. Stikhotvoreniia, Poemy (1918-1921)

MG Basker, TM Vakhitova, IV Zobnin, AI Mikhailov, VA Prokof'ev, GV Filippov

Research output: Book/ReportEdited book

Translated title of the contributionN.S. Gumilev 'Polnoe sobranie sochinenii v desiati tomakh. Stikhotvoreniia, Poemy (1918-1921)
Original languageEnglish
PublisherVoskresen'e, Moscow
Number of pages393
ISBN (Print)5885282331
Publication statusPublished - 2001

Bibliographical note

Other: Texts prepared and commentaries compiled. Basker's contributions pp 241-7. 250-4. 257-60, 262, 264-70, 272-81, 284-6, 288-92, 294-5, 297-305, 307-12, 314-15, 317-27, 331-2, 335-6, 338-9, 341-7, 349-53, 363-4

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