Numerical continuation analysis of a dual-sidestay main landing gear mechanism

James A C Knowles, Bernd Krauskop, Mark H. Lowenberg, Simon A. Neild, P. Thota

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

18 Citations (Scopus)


A model of a three-dimensional dual-sidestay landing gear mechanism is presented and employed in an investigation of the sensitivity of the downlocking mechanism to attachment point deflections. A motivation for this study is the desire to understand the underlying nonlinear behavior, which may prevent a dual-sidestay landing gear from downlocking under certain conditions. The model formulates the mechanism as a set of steady-state constraint equations. Solutions to these equations are then continued numerically in state and parameter space, providing all state parameter dependencies within the model from a single computation. The capability of this analysis approach is demonstrated with an investigation into the effects of the aft sidestay angle on retraction actuator loads. It was found that the retraction loads are not significantly affected by the sidestay plane angle, but the landing gear's ability to be retracted fully is impeded at certain sidestay plane angles. This result is attributed to the landing gear's geometry, as the locklinks are placed under tension and cause the mechanism to lock. Sidestay flexibilities and attachment point deflections are then introduced to enable the downlock loads to be investigated. The investigation into the dual sidestay's downlock sensitivity to attachment point deflections yields an underlying double-hysteresis loop, which is highly sensitive to these deflections. Attachment point deflections of a few millimeters were found to prevent the locklinks from automatically downlocking under their own weight, hence requiring some external force to downlock the landing gear. Sidestay stiffness was also found to influence the downlock loads, although not to the extent of attachment point deflection.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)129-143
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Aircraft
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2014


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