Orchestrating Product Provenance Story: When IOTA ECOSYSTEM Meets The Electronics Supply Chain Space

Sabah Suhail*, Rasheed Hussain, Choong Seon Hong, Abid Khan

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Research output: Working paperPreprint

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"Trustworthy data" is the fuel for ensuring transparent traceability, precise decision-making, and cogent coordination in the supply chain (SC) space. However, the disparate data silos act as a trade barrier in orchestrating the provenance of product story starting from the transformation of raw materials into the circuit board to the assembling of electronic components into end products available on the store shelf for customers. Therefore, to bridge the fragmented siloed information across global supply chain partners, the diffusion of blockchain (BC) as one of the advanced distributed ledger technology (DLT) takeover the on-premise legacy systems. Nevertheless, the challenging constraints of blockchain including scalability, accessing off-line data, fee-less microtransactions and many more lead to the third wave of blockchain called IOTA. In this paper, we propose a framework for supporting provenance in the electronic supply chain (ECS) by using permissioned IOTA ledger. Realizing the crucial requirement of trustworthy data, we use Masked Authenticated Messaging (MAM) channel provided by IOTA that allows the SC players to procure distributed information while keeping confidential trade flows, tamper-proof data, and fine-grained accessibility rights. To identify operational disruption, we devise a transparent product ledger through transaction data and consignment information to keep track of the complete product journey at each intermediary step during SC processes. Furthermore, we evaluate the secure provenance data construction time for varying payload size.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages48
Publication statusUnpublished - 12 Feb 2019

Bibliographical note

47 pages, 18 figures


  • Blockchain
  • Distributed Ledger Technology
  • Internet of Things
  • Industrial Internet of Things
  • Industry 4.0
  • IOTA
  • Masked Authenticated Messaging
  • Provenance
  • Supply chain
  • Trustworthy data


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