Organometallics roundtable 2013-2014

John A. Gladysz*, Robin B. Bedford, Makoto Fujita, François P. Gabbaï, Karen I. Goldberg, Patrick L. Holland, Jaqueline L. Kiplinger, Michael J. Krische, Janis Louie, Connie C. Lu, Jack R. Norton, Marina A. Petrukhina, Tong Ren, Shannon S. Stahl, T. Don Tilley, Charles Edwin Webster, M. Christina White, Gregory T. Whiteker

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)

24 Citations (Scopus)


A panel of seventeen experts from academia, industry, and government laboratories share their thoughts on a variety of matters of importance to the readership of Organometallics. These include directions for the field and recent breakthroughs (illustrated with selected examples), the interface with green chemistry, the quest for reproducible experimental procedures, data and research integrity, laboratory safety, the preparation of coworkers for non-academic careers, and needs regarding instrumentation, infrastructure, shared facilities, and computational methods. A lively give and take is evident in the edited transcript, which continues a biennial tradition initiated in 2011.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1505-1527
Number of pages23
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 14 Apr 2014


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