Osteological redescription of the Late Triassic sauropodomorph dinosaur Thecodontosaurus antiquus based on new material from Tytherington, southwestern England

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Thecodontosaurus antiquus is a basal sauropodomorph from the Rhaetian locality of Durdham Down in Bristol, U.K. Sauropodomorph material putatively assigned to this species was found in the nearby site of Tytherington. Here, we describe the osteology of the Tytherington specimens, comparing them to T. antiquus and other Late Triassic sauropodomorphs from Britain. We find that this material can be assigned to T. antiquus based on multiple shared morphological traits, and we provide a revised diagnosis of this taxon. The new anatomical information from the Tytherington specimens enriches the osteology of the species, particularly of previously unknown parts of the skeleton such as the skull. We find poor anatomical support to distinguish the contemporary Pantydraco caducus from T. antiquus, which might represent a juvenile of the latter. We also discuss the questionable validity of Asylosaurus yalensis. Thecodontosaurus is one of the most basal sauropodomorphs that shows craniodental traits related to herbivory, while retaining a plesiomorphic limb morphology and posture. This taxon was an important component of Rhaetian insular ecosystems of southwestern Britain.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere1770774
JournalJournal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Early online date21 Aug 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 21 Aug 2020


  • dinosaur
  • sauropodomorph
  • Triassic
  • anatomy
  • evolution
  • Thecodontosaurus


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