Passive Gust Loads Alleviation in a Truss-Braced Wing Using an Inerter-Based Device

Christopher Patrick Szczyglowski, Simon A Neild, Branislav Titurus, Jason Zheng Jiang, Etienne Coetzee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

10 Citations (Scopus)
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This paper presents a novel method for gust loads alleviation in a truss-braced wing in which an inerter-based device located in the truss-structure is used to reduce peak-loads during a discrete “1-cosine” gust. Three candidate layouts are considered, and the device parameters are optimized to target the response of the first three structural modes. It is demonstrated that either a single damper or a combination of inerter-based devices can be used to achieve a reduction of approximately 4% for spanwise locations inboard of the strut attachment point and that this reduction is consistent across the full range of gust gradients. Furthermore, it is noted that the inerter-based device has a significantly smaller damping coefficient than the case where just a damper is used and that the device parameter values are viable within the scope of an aerospace application.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Aircraft
Early online date26 Aug 2019
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Research Groups and Themes

  • AWI


  • gust loads alleviation
  • vibration suppresssion
  • inerter
  • nastran


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