Patients’ perception of their oral and periodontal health and its impact. A cross-sectional study in the NHS

Imogen Midwood, Maria Davies, Robert G Newcombe, Nicola West

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Aims: To determine patient awareness of periodontal health, dentine hypersensitivity and toothwear, and their impact on oral health quality of life in patients attending NHS practices in South West England.

Method: In this cross-sectional, multi-centre epidemiological study 814 adult NHS patients completed an oral health questionnaire and then underwent a clinical examination. Pocket probing depths (mm), gingival recession (mm), gingival bleeding (yes/no), dentine hypersensitivity (Schiff score, and yes/no) and toothwear (Basic Erosive Wear Examination score) were measured.

Results: Participants were regular dental attenders, with good oral hygiene practices and a low prevalence of periodontal disease (probing depth of 4mm or more) (25%). For all conditions assessed, self-reported data and clinical indices were significantly positively associated, the strongest associations being seen for dentine hypersensitivity and the weakest for toothwear. Periodontal disease and dentine hypersensitivity were significantly associated with all 4 patient reported measures of oral health quality of life studied.

Conclusion: This NHS patient population is well cared for and educated with respect to their oral health. The findings confirm the negative impact of periodontal disease and dentine hypersensitivity, and identifies the need to increase awareness of signs and symptoms of Toothwear.

Key Points:
• The oral health of the cohort of NHS patients in this study was very good and participants were aware of their periodontal condition and of dentine hypersensitivity.
• Both periodontitis and dentine hypersensitivity had a negative effect on quality of life.
• Toothwear is prevalent but inadequately recognised in this population
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)587–593
Number of pages7
JournalBritish Dental Journal
Publication statusPublished - 11 Oct 2019


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