PCV2 replication promoted by oxidative stress is dependent on the regulation of autophagy on apoptosis

Nianhui Zhai, Hu Liu, Xixuan Liu, Hong Wang, Viktor Korolchuk, Bernadette Carroll, Cuiling Pan, Fang Gan, Kehe Huang, Xingxiang Chen*

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Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is an economically important swine pathogen but some extra trigger factors are required for the development of PCV2-associated diseases. By evaluating cap protein expression, viral DNA copies and the number of infected cells, the present study further confirmed that oxidative stress can promote PCV2 replication. The results showed that oxidative stress induced autophagy in PCV2-infected PK15 cells. Blocking autophagy with inhibitor 3-methyladenine or ATG5-specific siRNA significantly inhibited oxidative stress-promoted PCV2 replication. Importantly, autophagy inhibition significantly increased apoptosis in oxidative stress-treated PK15 cells. Suppression of apoptosis by benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp fluoromethylketone in conditions of autophagy inhibition restored PCV2 replication. Taken together, autophagy protected host cells against potential apoptosis and then contributed to PCV2 replication promotion caused by oxidative stress. Our findings can partly explain the pathogenic mechanism of PCV2 related to the oxidative stress-induced autophagy.
Original languageEnglish
Article number19
Number of pages11
JournalVeterinary Research
Issue number19
Early online date5 Mar 2019
Publication statusPublished - 5 Mar 2019


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