Perspectives of Healthcare Professionals on the use of Immersive Virtual Reality in Teenage and Young Adult Oncology: A Qualitative Interview Study

Mairi T Deighan*, Daniel Simpson, Amberly L C Brigden, Kirsten F Cater

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review


Applications of Virtual Reality (VR) in healthcare continue to grow at a rapid pace, yet the challenges and opportunities associated with VR from the perspective of clinicians and healthcare staff remain underexplored, particularly in the context of Teenage and Young Adult (TYA) oncology. This study aims to bridge this knowledge gap by interviewing clinicians and staff regarding the use of VR in TYA cancer care.

Fourteen semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with a diverse range of healthcare professionals working in TYA oncology within the United Kingdom including oncologists, hematologists, clinical nurse specialists, clinical psychologists, radiographers, play specialists, clinical social workers and youth support coordinators. Data were analysed thematically with three themes and ten sub-themes developed.

The findings reveal that TYA healthcare professionals are optimistic and enthusiastic about the potential of using VR to enhance cancer care for teenagers and young adults. However, they also expressed notable concerns related to the practical implementation of VR in clinical settings. These concerns included infection and safety risks, privacy and security concerns, cost implications, storage requirements and staff burden. Clinicians and staff proposed valuable applications for VR in TYA oncology specifically in patient distraction, physiotherapy, procedure preparation, and the delivery of psychotherapy, including acceptance and commitment therapy.

This research has demonstrated that despite an enthusiasm to adopt VR in TYA oncology there are still many challenges, both practical and ethical, that must be addressed to enable the successful implementation of VR in hospitals within the UK. Further research into applications of VR for TYA oncology is warranted, particularly in areas of psychology, physiotherapy, and procedure preparation.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages15
JournalBMC Digital Health
Issue number22
Early online date2 Apr 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2 Apr 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2024.

Research Groups and Themes

  • Bristol Interaction Group


  • TYA Oncology
  • virtual reality
  • medical virtual reality
  • qualitative
  • digital health


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