Pinning Control of Networks: an Event-Triggered Approach

Francesco Alderisio

Research output: Other contribution

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In this master thesis we present an algorithm for distributed event-triggered pinning control of a network of nonlinear oscillators.
In order to extend the concepts of connected, switching connected and slow switching topology to a pinning control scenario, we introduce the definitions of pinned, switching pinned and frequently pinned topology respectively.
For each of these three topologies we try to identify the conditions under which the network achieves exponential convergence of the error norm, find a lower bound for the rate of convergence and prove that the trigger sequences do not exhibit Zeno behavior.
Some numerical results are presented for each of the considered scenarios; further numerical results are presented for four elementary static topologies.
Original languageEnglish
TypeMaster thesis
Number of pages96
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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