Predicting The Effects of Chemical-Protein Interactions On Proteins Using Tensor Factorisation

Sameh K Mohamed, Aayah Nounu

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Understanding the different effects of chemical substances on human proteins is fundamental for designing new drugs. It is also important for elucidating the different mechanisms of action of drugs that can cause side-effects. In this context, computational methods for predicting chemical-protein interactions can provide valuable insights on the relation between therapeutic chemical substances and proteins. Their predictions therefore can help in multiple tasks such as drug repurposing, identifying new drug side-effects, etc. Despite their useful predictions, these methods are unable to predict the different implications - such as change in protein expression, abundance, etc, - of chemical - protein interactions. Therefore, In this work, we study the modelling of chemical-protein interactions' effects on proteins activity using computational approaches. We hereby propose using 3D tensors to model chemicals, their target proteins and the effects associated to their interactions. We then use multi-part embedding tensor factorisation to predict the different effects of chemicals on human proteins. We assess the predictive accuracy of our proposed method using a benchmark dataset that we built. We then show by computational experimental evaluation that our approach outperforms other tensor factorisation methods in the task of predicting effects of chemicals on human proteins.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 30 May 2020
EventAMIA Virtual Annual Symposium -
Duration: 14 Nov 202018 Nov 2020


ConferenceAMIA Virtual Annual Symposium
Abbreviated titleAMIA 2020
Internet address


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