Prediction of crack propagation and arrest in X100 natural gas transmission pipelines with the strain rate dependent damage model (SRDD). Part 1: A novel specimen for the measurement of high strain rate fracture properties and validation of the SRDD model parameters

F. Oikonomidis, A. Shterenlikht*, C. E. Truman

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A novel specimen for the measurement of strain rate and triaxiality dependent fracture properties of metals is described. The specimen is used in a conventional tensile split Hopkinson pressure bar test. The specimen is a flat 10 mm wide and 1 mm thick notched bar. Notch lengths between 2 mm and 8 mm were used. Several tests were performed on specimens cut from an X100 pipe at room temperature and strain rates up to 2000 s(-1). Finite element modelling of the stress-strain fields in the specimen immediately prior to crack propagation across the ligament was used to extract the flow properties, the damage initiation strain and the crack propagation energy as functions of stress triaxiality and strain rate. This data is used for tuning the strain rate dependent damage model (SRDD). The SRDD model was validated against the experiments and a good agreement was observed. In part 2 of this paper the tuned SRDD model is used for the simulation of an axial crack propagation and arrest in pressurised natural gas pipelines. Very good agreement with the burst tests is observed, thus validating the utility of the proposed specimen design and of the SRDD model. 

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)60-68
Number of pages9
JournalInternational Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping
Early online date22 Mar 2013
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2013


  • Triaxiality
  • High strain rate
  • Dynamic fracture
  • Hopkinson bar


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