Prevalence and relationship of non-carious oral conditions: South West England

Imogen Midwood, Joon Seong, Nicola West

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference Posterpeer-review


Objective: This observational, cross-sectional multicentre study determined the prevalence of periodontitis, recession, dentine hypersensitivity (DH) and toothwear across South West England. Data collected about underlying risk factors was collected to identify associations with these oral conditions.

Method: Healthy adult volunteers recruited from 28 NHS general dental practices in the South West completed a questionnaire and underwent a clinical examination.

Results: Out of 814 participants, 75.6% exhibited bleeding on probing (BOP) and 28% had a maximum probing depth (PD) of 4mm or more. Clinically relevant toothwear was observed in 74.4% of participants, 89% and 74.% had areas of recession and dentine exposure (DE), respectively, and DH was observed in 22.7%. There was a strong significant correlation between maximum toothwear, DE and maximum recession score and a weaker correlation with maximum DH score. Maximum PD, recession and the presence of BOP were also strongly significantly correlated. In an examination of the buccal surface of the upper canines DH was more strongly correlated with recession, and on the left canine DH also correlated with DE.

The pattern of recession, DE and DH was very similar on buccal and palatal surfaces, most commonly detected on 1st molars or premolars and least commonly on incisors. Toothwear on buccal surfaces followed the same pattern, but palatally was most common on incisors and canines. Recession, DE, DH and toothwear prevalence were lower on lingual/palatal surfaces than buccal surfaces and lingually the pattern of toothwear, recession, and DE was reversed while there was no clear pattern for DH. For all surfaces, greater probing depths were more common posteriorly, scores improving progressively to the incisors, BOP showed a similar pattern.

Conclusion: This data supports the relationship between recession, DE and DH, and the relatively low incidence of periodontitis indicating a health conscious population, receiving good NHS oral healthcare.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 4 Apr 2018
Event96th General Session of the IADR, 2018 - Excel London Convention Centre, London, United Kingdom
Duration: 25 Jul 201828 Jul 2018
Conference number: 96


Conference96th General Session of the IADR, 2018
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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