Preventing suicide through pesticide regulation

Michael Eddleston, David Gunnell

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate (Academic Journal)peer-review

20 Citations (Scopus)
192 Downloads (Pure)


Restriction of access to highly lethal and commonly used suicide methods is one of the few proven approaches available to governments to reduce overall suicide rates. In high-income countries, the approach has largely focused on restricting the sales of, or withdrawing, medicines that are commonly taken in fatal overdoses, restricting access to guns, and making high-risk locations (such as bridges) safer. In low-income and middle-income countries, where pesticides are a common means of suicide, it has focused on government actions to remove highly hazardous pesticides from agriculture.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9-11
Number of pages3
JournalLancet Psychiatry
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2020

Research Groups and Themes

  • SASH


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