Private deposit insurance, deposit flows, bank lending, and moral hazard

Piotr J Danisewicz, Chun Hei Lee, Klaus Schaeck*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)
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We examine the role of private unlimited deposit insurance as a complement to federal deposit insurance for deposit flows, bank lending, and moral hazard during a crisis. We find that banks whose deposits are federally and privately fully insured obtain more deposits and expand lending, in contrast to banks whose deposits are only federally insured. We also document that privately insured banks remain prudent in the loan origination process during the subprime crisis. Our results offer novel insights into depositor and bank behavior in the presence of multiple deposit insurance schemes with differential design features. They also illustrate how private sector solutions incentivize prudent bank behavior to strengthen the financial safety net.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100967
JournalJournal of Financial Intermediation
Early online date29 Oct 2022
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 29 Oct 2022

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We thank two anonymous referees, the editor (Murillo Campello), Thorsten Beck, Allen Berger, Andrew Campbell, Giovanni Dell'Ariccia, Martin Götz, Linda Goldberg, Paul Guest, Benjamin Guin, Iftekhar Hasan, Elena Loutskina, Kent Matthews, Danny McGowan, Huyen Nguyen, Louis Nguyen, Enrico Onali, Jose-Luis Peydro, Jan Riepe, Yanfei Sun, Larry Wall, and conference participants at the 2018 Swedish House of Finance Conference, the BGSE Summer School Seminar, the Uppsala University and Stockholm Center for Commercial Law Financial Supervision Workshop, the Biannual IADI Research Conference, the Deutsche Bundesbank – IWH – ECONtribute – CEPR Conference on Financial Intermediation in a Globalized World, the FMA Meeting in New Orleans, the FINEST Spring Workshop in Limoges, the Empirical Finance Group Conference Cardiff, and the Münster Banking Research Workshop. We also thank seminar participants at Bangor University, Swansea University, the University of Bristol, the University of Bath, the University of Birmingham, Exeter University, King's College, and at the Bank of England. All remaining errors are our own.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 Elsevier Inc.


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