Problems with direction finding using linear array with element spacing more than half wavelength

CM Tan, AR Nix, MA Beach

Research output: Working paper

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This paper investigates the performance of different parameter estimation algorithms in direction finding using a linear array with element spacing of more than half a wavelength. The study shows that all the common algorithms namely the beamformer methods, MUSIC, Min-Norm, JoDeG, ESPRIT, and SAGE, generate an ambiguous error in the estimated direction-of-arrival results, when the antenna element spacing is more than half the carrier wavelength. Here, the source of this ambiguity is identified, and our proposition confirmed by applying the algorithms on the real measured data in a controlled environment. Furthermore, the relative sensitivity of each candidate algorithm is appraised
Original languageEnglish
Pages6 p
Publication statusPublished - May 2002

Publication series

NameCOST 273
NameWP 02 008

Bibliographical note

Additional information: A paper presented to the 1st COST 273 Workshop "Opportunities of the Multidimensional Propagation Channel", held in Espoo, Finland, May 28-31, 2002

Sponsorship: The authors thank Allgon Systems AB for the loan of their 2GHz UMTS-FDD panel array as well as the Mobile VCE ( for the financial support of Chor Min Tan

Contributor: European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (EURO-COST)


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