Process modelling of welding and residual stress simulation

T. H. Hyde, A.H. Yaghi, David W J Tanner, C. J. Bennett, A. A. Becker, E. J. Williams, W. Sun

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Contribution (Conference Proceeding)


Fundamental principles and advanced applications of thermomechanical modelling techniques used for industrial welding processes are described. This covers a range of modelling procedures comprising welding simulation and residual stress analysis of multipass, thick-walled martensitic steel pipes; welding simulation and distortion analysis of nickel-based superalloy thin plates; and inertia friction welding of dual alloy drive shafts. A number of pertinent mechanical and metallurgical concepts are discussed, including material behaviour models and material properties, microstructural evolution and solid state phase transformation. The paper emphasizes the general methodologies of thermal modelling procedures and their role in the holistic process of the life assessment and design improvement of power plant piping systems and aero engine casing and shaft components, operating under high temperature creep and fatigue service conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTenth International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment (ESIA10)
Place of PublicationManchester, UK
PublisherEMAS Publishing
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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