Quality, quantity and harmony: the DataSHaPER approach to integrating data across bioclinical studies

Isabel Fortier, Paul R Burton, Paula J Robson, Vincent Ferretti, Julian Little, Francois L'Heureux, Mylène Deschênes, Bartha M Knoppers, Dany Doiron, Joost C Keers, Pamela Linksted, Jennifer R Harris, Geneviève Lachance, Catherine Boileau, Nancy L Pedersen, Carol M Hamilton, Kristian Hveem, Marilyn J Borugian, Richard P Gallagher, John McLaughlinLouise Parker, John D Potter, John Gallacher, Rudolf Kaaks, Bette Liu, Tim Sprosen, Anne Vilain, Susan A Atkinson, Andrea Rengifo, Robin Morton, Andres Metspalu, H Erich Wichmann, Mark Tremblay, Rex L Chisholm, Andrés Garcia-Montero, Hans Hillege, Jan-Eric Litton, Lyle J Palmer, Markus Perola, Bruce H R Wolffenbuttel, Leena Peltonen, Thomas J Hudson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

150 Citations (Scopus)


Vast sample sizes are often essential in the quest to disentangle the complex interplay of the genetic, lifestyle, environmental and social factors that determine the aetiology and progression of chronic diseases. The pooling of information between studies is therefore of central importance to contemporary bioscience. However, there are many technical, ethico-legal and scientific challenges to be overcome if an effective, valid, pooled analysis is to be achieved. Perhaps most critically, any data that are to be analysed in this way must be adequately 'harmonized'. This implies that the collection and recording of information and data must be done in a manner that is sufficiently similar in the different studies to allow valid synthesis to take place.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1383-93
Number of pages11
JournalInternational Journal of Epidemiology
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2010


  • Clinical Trials as Topic
  • Data Collection
  • Data Interpretation, Statistical
  • Epidemiologic Methods
  • Health Behavior
  • Humans
  • Information Storage and Retrieval
  • Meta-Analysis as Topic
  • Residence Characteristics
  • Socioeconomic Factors


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