Quantization and chiral edge state properties in nearly 3D quantum well structures

B Zhang, JS Brooks, Z Wang, J Simmons, J Reno, N Lumpkin, JL O'Brien, R Clark

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Contribution (Conference Proceeding)

4 Citations (Scopus)


We report magneto-transport measurements including Hall, Rxy, longitudinal, Rxx, and vertical, Rxx, magnetoresistance on nearly 3-dimensional (3D) 200 layer GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well structures. Although the interlayer bandwidth is nearly 20% of the Fermi energy, we still observe complete quantization of the Hall resistance for the 3D quantum Hall state. The temperature dependence of the Rxx minimum shows two unusual features: initially, at higher temperatures 1 K where the quantum Hall state develops, a gap with an activation energy much smaller than the Landau gap is observed: in the low temperature limit 0.030 K a variable range hopping behavior takes over with a residual resistivity limit. Independent measurements of Gzz (in 3D≈1/Rzz) where the chiral edge states dominate the transport show the same temperature dependence
Translated title of the contributionQuantization and chiral edge state properties in nearly 3D quantum well structures
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThirteenth International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics. SemiMag 13
Publication statusPublished - 1999


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