Secondary Chemistry School Teachers working in tertiary education Chemistry Departments; critical reflections on the positives and negatives

Sarah R Glover, Tim Harrison, Dudley Shallcross

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Several UK University Chemistry Departments have former secondary school chemistry teachers employed as School Teacher Fellows (STF) who are heavily involved in outreach work and a range of teaching responsibilities. This study looks at the outreach role from the point of view of several of the STFs; the benefits, and the barriers and how this role can be developed further. A reflective exercise, asking STFs to write a letter to themselves to advise any new incumbent was used to generate data. This mode was preferred to a formal interview after consultation with STFs. All the responses were analysed in terms of their relationships, motivations and other aspects of their posts. It is concluded that the STF provides a number of unique opportunities to progress relationships between university and secondary and primary schools, to assist new undergraduates in making an effective transition from post-16 study to undergraduate study and to review, support and progress teaching practice at tertiary level. However, barriers to the effective utilisation of STFs include; appropriate support and recognition at the tertiary institute and funding.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)35-48
Number of pages14
JournalActa Didactica Napocensia
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2016


  • chemistry outreach,
  • school–university relationships,
  • communities of practice
  • school teacher fellows


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