Segmenting the older consumer

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference Posterpeer-review


Policy-makers and practitioners need a good understanding
of older people’s expenditure and consumption to inform
the design of policies and services that affect their lives.
This study uses data from the 2010 Living Costs and Food
Survey (LCFS) to examine and explain levels and patterns of
expenditure among households headed by someone aged 50
and over. Expenditure is defined using 12 broad categories,
which reflect the international standard “COICOP”
classification, and is equivalised to control for household
size. We report the results of cluster analysis which segments
older households depending on their predominant patterns
of expenditure. CHAID (decision tree) analysis and bivariate
analysis are then used to understand the profile of each
cluster in relation to their demographic, socio-economic and
other characteristics. Based on their patterns of expenditure,
six distinct clusters of older households emerge from the
analysis. The findings raise important questions for policymaking
in relation to the extent and nature of expenditure
poverty among older consumers.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 21 Nov 2013
EventGerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting - New Orleans, LA, United States
Duration: 20 Nov 201323 Dec 2013


ConferenceGerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityNew Orleans, LA


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