Spin-based single-photon transistor, dynamic random access memory, diodes, and routers in semiconductors

Chengyong Hu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

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The realization of quantum computers and quantum Internet requires not only quantum gates and quantum memories, but also transistors at single-photon levels to control the flow of information encoded on single photons. Single-photon transistor (SPT) is an optical transistor in the quantum limit, which uses a single photon to open or block a photonic channel. In sharp contrast to all previous SPT proposals which are based on single-photon nonlinearities, here I present a novel design for a high-gain and high-speed (up to THz) SPT based on a linear optical effect - giant circular birefringence (GCB) induced by a single spin in a double-sided optical microcavity. A gate photon sets the spin state via projective measurement and controls the light propagation in the optical channel. This spin-cavity transistor can be directly configured as diodes, routers, DRAM units, switches, modulators, etc. Due to the duality as quantum gate and transistor, the spin-cavity unit provides a solid-state platform ideal for future Internet - a mixture of all-optical Internet with quantum Internet.
Original languageEnglish
Article number245307
Number of pages10
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number24
Publication statusPublished - 14 Dec 2016


  • Optical transistor
  • optical memory
  • Optical diode
  • optical router
  • all-optical Internet
  • Quantum internet
  • quantum computer


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