Spin caloric transport from density-functional theory

Voicu Popescu, Peter Kratzer, Peter Entel, Christian Heiliger, Michael Czerner, Katarina Tauber, Franziska Töpler, Christian Herschbach, Dmitry V. Fedorov, Martin Gradhand, Ingrid Mertig, Roman Kováčik, Phivos Mavropoulos*, Daniel Wortmann, Stefan Blügel, Frank Freimuth, Yuriy Mokrousov, Sebastian Wimmer, Diemo Ködderitzsch, Marten SeemannKristina Chadova, Hubert Ebert

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Spin caloric transport refers to the coupling of heat with spin transport. Its applications primarily concern the generation of spin currents and control of magnetisation by temperature gradients for information technology, known by the synonym spin caloritronics. Within the framework of ab initio theory, new tools are being developed to provide an additional understanding of these phenomena in realistic materials, accounting for the complexity of the electronic structure without adjustable parameters. Here, we review this progress, summarising the principles of the density-functional-based approaches in the field and presenting a number of application highlights. Our discussion includes the three most frequently employed approaches to the problem, namely the Kubo, Boltzmann, and Landauer-Büttiker methods. These are showcased in specific examples that span, on the one hand, a wide range of materials, such as bulk metallic alloys, nano-structured metallic and tunnel junctions, or magnetic overlayers on heavy metals, and, on the other hand, a wide range of effects, such as the spin-Seebeck, magneto-Seebeck, and spin-Nernst effects, spin disorder, and the thermal spin-transfer and thermal spin-orbit torques.

Original languageEnglish
Article number073001
Number of pages46
JournalJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Issue number7
Early online date13 Dec 2018
Publication statusPublished - 13 Feb 2019


  • density functional calculations
  • magneto-Seebeck effect
  • spin caloritronics
  • spin Nernst effect
  • spin Seebeck effect
  • spintronics
  • thermal spin torque


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