Statistical analysis of sloshing-induced dissipative energy across a range of Froude numbers

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference Paperpeer-review


Fuel sloshing-induced damping is currently being studied extensively within the EU-funded SLOWD project as a means of passively reducing dynamic loads in aircraft wings. It is of interest to be able to determine which parameters have the greatest influence on the added damping from the sloshing motion. An uncertainty in the measured sloshing force has been observed when multiple consecutive and identical oscillation cycles are considered in sinusoidal excitation experiments, leading to variations in the measured energy dissipation. This current work considers liquid undergoing vertical sloshing motions for different fill level and excitation conditions (frequency and amplitude) leading to energy dissipation via several possible physical mechanisms. The sloshing dissipation is measured experimentally across a large number of excitation cycles and for each excitation amplitude, expressed in the form of Froude (Fr) numbers. Depending on the Fr number, distinct sloshing mechanisms dominate the dissipative effects and induce a particular variance across the identical cycles analysed. The sloshing-induced energy dissipation variation is quantified and correlated with different mechanisms depending on Fr number, helping to explain various non-stationary effects that are observed even in well-controlled experimental conditions. As well as improving the insights into the inherent dispersion nature of the studied phenomena, this research also establishes experimental characteristics suitable for future model validation and calibration.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2022
EventInternational Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens -
Duration: 1 Sept 20213 Sept 2021
Conference number: 11


ConferenceInternational Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens
Abbreviated titleEASN


  • Sloshing
  • Damping
  • Dynamics


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