Superconducting nanowires connected in series for photon number resolving functionality

F. Mattioli, S. Jahanmirinejad, Z. Zhou, A. Gaggero, G. Frucci, D. Sahin, R. Leoni, A. Fiore

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


The experimental demonstration of a superconducting photon-number-resolving detector, based on the series connection of N superconducting nanowires, is presented. An integrated resistor is connected in parallel to each section of the device that provides in this way a single voltage-readout, proportional to the number of photons detected in distinct nanowires. As a proof of principle a four element detector has been fabricated from an NbN film on a GaAs substrate and fully characterized. Clearly separated output levels corresponding to the detection of n = 1-4 photons are observed achieving a single-photon system quantum efficiency of 2.6% at λ=1.3 μm. In order to demonstrate the potential scalability of the series-nanowire detector to a larger number of photons, we report our preliminary results in the characterization of detectors fabricated with 8 and 12 pixels. Clear evidence of n= 1-8 photon absorption in the 8-pixel detector has been achieved.

Original languageEnglish
Article number042024
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue numberPART 4
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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