Supply Chain Digital Twin Framework Design: An Approach of Supply Chain Operations Reference Model and System of Systems

Jie Zhang, Alexandra Brintrup, Anisoara Calinescu, Edward Kosasih, Angira Sharma

Research output: Working paperPreprint

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Digital twin technology has been regarded as a beneficial approach in supply chain development. Different from traditional digital twin (temporal dynamic), supply chain digital twin is a spatio-temporal dynamic system. This paper explains what is 'twined' in supply chain digital twin and how to 'twin' them to handle the spatio-temporal dynamic issue. A supply chain digital twin framework is developed based on the theories of system of systems and supply chain operations reference model. This framework is universal and can be applied in various types of supply chain systems. We firstly decompose the supply chain system into unified standard blocks preparing for the adoption of digital twin. Next, the idea of supply chain operations reference model is adopted to digitise basic supply chain activities within each block and explain how to use existing information system. Then, individual sub-digital twin is established for each member in supply chain system. After that, we apply the concept of system of systems to integrate and coordinate sub-digital twin into supply chain digital twin from the views of supply chain business integration and information system integration. At last, one simple supply chain system is applied to illustrate the application of the proposed model.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages23
Publication statusUnpublished - 19 Jul 2021


  • eess.SY
  • cs.SY
  • digital twin
  • supply chain
  • system of systems
  • supply chain operations reference


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