The Brightest Cluster Galaxy in Abell 85: The Largest Core Known so far

O. López-Cruz, C. Añorve, M. Birkinshaw, D. M. Worrall, H. J. Ibarra-Medel, W. A. Barkhouse, J. P. Torres-Papaqui, V. Motta

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We have found that the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in Abell~85, Holm 15A, displays the largest core so far known. Its cusp radius, $r_{\gamma} = 4.57 \pm 0.06$ kpc ($4.26^{\prime\prime}\pm 0.06^{\prime\prime}$), is more than 18 times larger than the mean for BCGs, and $\geq1$ kpc larger than A2261-BCG, hitherto the largest-cored BCG (Postman, Lauer, Donahue, et al. 2012) Holm 15A hosts the luminous amorphous radio source 0039-095B and has the optical signature of a LINER. Scaling laws indicate that this core could host a supermassive black hole (SMBH) of mass $M_{\bullet}\thicksim (10^{9}-10^{11})\,M_{\odot}$. We suggest that cores this large represent a relatively short phase in the evolution of BCGs, whereas the masses of their associated SBMH might be set by initial conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberL31
Number of pages6
JournalAstrophysical Journal Letters
Issue number2
Early online date22 Oct 2014
Publication statusPublished - 10 Nov 2014


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