The micro-dynamics of peace and conflict

Roddy Brett*, Roger Mac Ginty, Thia Sagherian-Dickey, Clara Voyvodic

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review


The study of micro-dynamics has grown over the last two decades, emerging now as a mainstay in research on peace and conflict. The focus on micro-dynamics, and other micro-level approaches, challenges the primacy of state-centric research. Yet despite the growing literature around the micro-dynamics of conflict and peacebuilding, the term remains opaque. Its use has evolved beyond a sweeping indicator for ‘subnational’, yet the field of study has seen limited development of the definitional parameters of the term and why the term retains utility. In this article we explore the deployment of the concept in distinct literatures, provide a working definition, and assess its application to the study of peace and conflict. We argue that micro-dynamics are simultaneously a unit of analysis, a social phenomenon and a sense-making tool for understanding human relations in the broader societal ecosystem. We contend that a micro-dynamics approach contributes to peace and conflict studies, offering insight into how individuals get on with their lives in conflict-affected areas. By providing multilayered insights of complex scenarios based upon thick, empirically led inductive analysis, the micro-dynamics lens generates a granular understanding of (i) how individuals and groups live and perceive boundaries and (ii) the shifting and malleable nature of inter- and intragroup relations in conflict-affected societies. A micro-dynamics lens, moreover, evidences (iii) the interconnected nature of the micro- and other scalar levels of analysis, elucidating understanding of what we characterize as the peace and conflict ecosystem.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages19
JournalSecurity Dialogue
Early online date25 Sept 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 25 Sept 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2024.


  • Conflict
  • Peace
  • Micro-dynamics
  • Violence


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