Thermocapillary effect on the absolute and convective instabilities of film flows down a fibre

Rong Liu, Zijing Ding, Zhiqiang Zhu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

19 Citations (Scopus)


Abstract We consider the motion of a gravity-driven flow down a uniformly heated vertical fibre. This flow exhibits rich dynamics including the formation of droplets, or beads, driven by a Rayleigh-Plateau mechanism modified by the presence of gravity as well as the thermocapillarity at the interface. A spatio-temporal stability analysis is performed to investigate the effect of thermocapillarity (Marangoni effect) on the convective/absolute instability (CI/AI) characteristics of the problem. We also performed a numerical simulation of Eq. (30) on the nonlinear evolution of the film to connect the breakup behaviours with the CI/AI characteristics. Our numerical results showed that for various Marangoni number (Ma), breakup of the film mainly occurs in the AI regime. With the increase of Ma, the film has a tendency to break up into droplets due to the enhancement of the absolute instability.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)918-925
Number of pages8
JournalInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Early online date19 May 2017
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2017


  • Film flow
  • Marangoni effect
  • Absolute and convective instabilities


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